


ylli conti

phd student
Ylli PhD student working on the fabrication characterization of plasmonic devices operating the weak and strong-coupling regime. Specifically, is exploring the use of plasmonic colloids for fabrication of plasmo-photonic hybrid devices applications in advanced light-matter and photocatalysis. Before joining the group, obtained her master degree from the University Calabria, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanna and Prof. Antonio de Luca.

serni toda cosi

master's student
Serni completed his bachelor's program with a degree in physics and chemistry at the Autonoma de Barcelona under the supervision of Leonardo Scarabelli and Dr. Agustin During his thesis, Serni explored the and tandem templated self-assembly of gold of different sizes. Currently, he is pursuing PhD at EPFL in Losanne (Harald Brune's group).

gail vinnacombe-willson

visiting researcher
Gail obtained her PhD in Materials Chemistry from University of California, Los Angeles. As a scholar (I-LINK2020 international collaboration she developed in situ growth strategies for the fabrication of high-quality plasmonic arrays.

Oriol Colomer-ferrer

Bachelor's student
Oriol completed his bachelor's thesis in nanotechnology (Universdad Autonoma de Barcelona) the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli. research focused on the co-assembly of gold silver colloids into plasmonic nanoarrays templated self assembly, in their post-modification, and in the characterization of resulting optical properties.

nabil abomailek rubio

master's student
Nabil completed his master's thesis in under supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli and Alberto Pérez. His master's thesis topic colloidal synthesis and self-assembly of featuring a silica shell for fabrication of and photonic Currently, he is pursuing his PhD IMDEA Institute in Madrid (Juan José Vilatela García's group).

pau vilches rueda

bachelor's student
Pau is currently working on his bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli, working on the optimization of in situ growth techniques for the preparation of plasmonic and photonic metasurfaces with both optical and catalytic properties.

Ylli Conti

phd student
Ylli PhD student working on the fabrication characterization of plasmonic devices operating the weak and strong-coupling regime. Specifically, is exploring the use of plasmonic colloids for fabrication of plasmo-photonic hybrid devices applications in advanced light-matter and photocatalysis. Before joining the group, obtained her master degree from the University Calabria, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanna and Prof. Antonio de Luca.

Oriol Colomer-ferrer

bachelor's student
Oriol completed his bachelor's thesis in nanotechnology (Universdad Autonoma de Barcelona) the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli. research focused on the co-assembly of gold silver colloids into plasmonic nanoarrays templated self assembly, in their post-modification, and in the characterization of resulting optical properties.

Serni toda cosi

master's student
Serni completed his bachelor's program with a degree in physics and chemistry at the Autonoma de Barcelona under the supervision of Leonardo Scarabelli and Dr. Agustin During his thesis, Serni explored the and tandem templated self-assembly of gold of different sizes. Currently, he is pursuing PhD at EPFL in Losanne (Harald Brune's group).

nabil abomailek rubio

master's student
Nabil completed his master's thesis in under supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli and Alberto Pérez. His master's thesis topic colloidal synthesis and self-assembly of featuring a silica shell for fabrication of and photonic Currently, he is pursuing his PhD IMDEA Institute in Madrid (Juan José Vilatela García's group).

Pau Vilches Rueda

bachelor's student
Pau is currently working on his bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli, working on the optimization of in situ growth techniques for the preparation of plasmonic and photonic metasurfaces with both optical and catalytic properties

gail vinnacombe-willson

visiting researcher
Gail obtained her PhD in Materials Chemistry from University of California, Los Angeles. As a scholar (I-LINK2020 international collaboration she developed in situ growth strategies for the fabrication of high-quality plasmonic arrays.

ylli conti

PHD student
Ylli PhD student working on the fabrication characterization of plasmonic devices operating the weak and strong-coupling regime. Specifically, is exploring the use of plasmonic colloids for fabrication of plasmo-photonic hybrid devices applications in advanced light-matter and photocatalysis. Before joining the group, obtained her master degree from the University Calabria, under the supervision of Dr. Giovanna and Prof. Antonio de Luca.


bachelor's student image
Oriol completed his bachelor's thesis in nanotechnology (Universdad Autonoma de Barcelona) the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli. research focused on the co-assembly of gold silver colloids into plasmonic nanoarrays templated self assembly, in their post-modification, and in the characterization of resulting optical properties.

serni toda cosi

master's student
Serni completed his bachelor's program with a degree in physics and chemistry at the Autonoma de Barcelona under the supervision of Leonardo Scarabelli and Dr. Agustin During his thesis, Serni explored the and tandem templated self-assembly of gold of different sizes. Currently, he is pursuing PhD at EPFL in Losanne (Harald Brune's group).


master's student
Nabil completed his master's thesis in under supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli and Alberto Pérez. His master's thesis topic colloidal synthesis and self-assembly of featuring a silica shell for fabrication of and photonic Currently, he is pursuing his PhD IMDEA Institute in Madrid (Juan José Vilatela García's group).


bachelor's student
Pau is currently working on his bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli, working on the optimization of in situ growth techniques for the preparation of plasmonic and photonic metasurfaces with both optical and catalytic properties.

gail vinnacombe-willson

visiting researcher
Gail obtained her PhD in Materials Chemistry from University of California, Los Angeles. As a scholar (I-LINK2020 international collaboration she developed in situ growth strategies for the fabrication of high-quality plasmonic arrays.