
Research overview


Colloidal nanosynthesis

Wet-chemical methods for the synthesis of metallic/semiconductor/dielectric nanoparticles offer unmatched potential for controlling their size, shape, composition, and surface chemistry, ultimately achieving a tight control over their optical, magnetic, and electronic properties. During the last 10 years I developed several synthetic protocols for metallic colloids, focusing mainly on plasmonic materials. Currently, my team is exploring the preparation of more complex hybrid structures combining more than one functionality.
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Light-matter interaction in weak- and strong-coupling regime

Both localized and lattice plasmon resonances offer unique opportunities to modify the emission behavior of molecular systems. In the weak-coupling regime, both linear and non-linear optical phenomena can be enhanced by the presence of a plasmonic surface, improving the performance of sensing platform, biological tags or photonic architecture. In the strong-coupling regime the interaction can directly modify the energy landscape of the system, creating exciting opportunities for the discovery of new catalysts or optoelectronics devices
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Direct in situ growth of nanoparticle arrays

Probably the most significant bottle-neck in the use of colloidal nanoparticles in real life applications is represented by their integration into functional solid-state devices. This typically required ad-hoc solutions for each colloid, including time consuming and hardly scalable steps such as ligand exchange, concentration, and self-assembly. My team recently developed an unconventional approach to force nucleation and growth of gold nanoparticles on pre-defined areas of a substrate, achieving the direct one-step growth of plasmonic arrays. We expect that this approach could be applied to a variety of different systems and materials, representing an alternative and truly scalable strategy for the preparation of complex nanoscaled architectures.
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